What is B2B Lead Generation and Why It is Important to Engage a Potential Customer?


What is B2B Lead Generation and Why It is Important to Engage a Potential Customer?

B2B Lead generation is a process or action of identifying and growing potential customers to sell your products or services, even more, it is an important part of the digital marketing strategy. This means that the digital marketer must identify their ideal buyers and grow their potential customers regardless of the challenges posed by the busy seller panorama, online channels that are multiplying rapidly and constantly changing and intermittent communication to the target audience.

Is Xing The Best Social Channel Option To Reach The Right Audience In Germany / Austria / Australia /?

If you are a B2B company looking for decision-makers in German companies, Xing may be a way to reach these people.

If you are running a business or plan to run a business in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, you will sooner or later use Xing. Because Xing is equivalent to LinkedIn in Germany. It's an online business network platform that helps you connect with like-minded professionals, find new jobs and share knowledge and get insights about your feed and in interest groups.

If LinkedIn is an international globetrotter company that maintains connections worldwide, Xing is a local-oriented professional which focuses on building a network in German-speaking countries. People on LinkedIn don't expect to make international calls there, they expect to communicate in German.

At this point, Xing has a network of about 15 million people in DACH countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). It is still Germany's most popular business platform, but LinkedIn is slowly taking the lead in Austria and Switzerland.

As you know that Xing has 15 million active users, so, it is a very difficult task to copying and pasting data manually, there you need a data extraction tool that can automatically extract data from the Xing website in minutes for you.

Which Data Mining Tools Are Best For Getting B2B Leads Data From Xing?

Leading generation includes different marketing methods to approach prospects. To reach potential buyers you need to have their contact information, and exploring each profile for desired information manually is not easy. There is a wide range of tools that will help you extract data from multiple websites for b2b lead generation and provide detailed and targeted B2B marketing content.

Here are some of the best data scraping tools.

1. Xing lead extractor

2. Top Lead Extractor

3. Yellow Pages Extractor

4. Google Map Extractor

5. Cute web email extractor

6. Cute phone number web extractor

8. Bulk SMS Sender

If you want to extract data in large quantities from the Xing website, Xing Lead Extractor is the best choice for you.

What Are The Main Features Of Xing Lead Extractor?

  • Extract important data from Xing website such as first name, last name, current location, the current company, industry, email, phone (contact), education, state, country, address, website address, source address and the number of contacts.
  • Retrieve your search results on unexpected computer/software shuts down
  • Save already searched profile in history
  • The program saves the history of your last search so you can start searching from the same page you left.
  • Search filters help you to get the targeted contact list.
  • Save extracted data in EXCEL format, CSV files
  • Easy-to-use Xing data extraction software to get started right away.
  • One dashboard for the screen to get all the information in one view.
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