How Can I Extract Data From Google Traffic Map?


How Can I Extract Data From Google Traffic Map? 

Why Web Scraping Tools Are Important For Business Leads?

Web scraping has given businesses new directions to connect with people, create leads, and do more, and there is no other way. Companies from all over the world use these tools to gather real data and ideas that can be converted into leads. However, creating the sensation of the data collected is a complex process, especially if the data is collected through the wrong tool or process. If you want to extract data from Google Maps for your company, try Google Map Extractor.

What is Google Map Extractor?

Google Map Extractor is a tool that helps collect data based on keywords and location.

All you need to do is simply enter the city, name, and a location where you want to fetch results, and will bring the business name, address, contact number, website URL, Google Maps ratings, etc.

How Can I Extract Data From Google Traffic Map? 

Uses a dedicated Google Map API key, which is freely available. This data can be downloaded in CSV format (comma-separated values), which can later be imported into any other program.

Why Google Map Extractor Is Essential To Your Business?

• You'll get business details based on categories along with their locations.

Google Map Extractor can extract business name, business address, Google business rankings, website URL, registered contact number, and more.

• The probability of fetching result is very high, as these predictions are extracted directly from the Google database using its API, and Google checks each listing before publishing it.

• The data retrieval speed is very high, it can fetch up to 600-700 business listings within 2-3 minutes (data extraction speed may vary depending on your ISP).

• This tool is 100% legal since all data mining is done using the original Google MAP API provided by Google itself.

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